Here is a quick demo of the addon ofxMultiTouchActions for openFrameworks. It allows to easily create objects that react to common multitouch actions (drag, scale and rotate). Objects can be assigned to 'listen' to any combination of mt actions (i.e. some objects can be only draggable, while others can be rotatable and scable, etc... ). Actions can also be assigned to be triggered by any specific number of fingers (i.e. draggable by 4 fingers instead of one and rotatable with 3 fingers instead of two, etc..)
It uses TUIO protocol and therefore can receive messages from several available multitouch systems (i.e. CCV, reacTIVision + TUIO simulator, multitouch apps on the iPhone, ...).
It's based on the following addons - ofxMSAInteractiveObject - by Memo ofxMultiTouch - by Memo ofxMultiTouchObject - by Moka ofxTuioWrapper - by Moka
More info on all this on the oF forum -
For this demo I use CCV for the tracking -
get ofxMultiTouchActions here: